Thursday, October 25, 2012

weekends, past and future

Last weekend: I helped Katherine (the woman I work with) and her husband, Wesley, slaughter and butcher 52 chickens! I woke up to the realization that it had frosted overnight. Then I made my way out to the middle of nowhere (because that's where everything is here) loaded up with more ice and my weekend coffee. [About two weeks ago, I decided that I was getting a little to attached to my morning coffee. So I cut myself off. I drink tea now. Except on the weekend, because then I actually get to relax and enjoy my coffee. ] It took quite a while for us to get our rhythm. I have a beautiful 6.5 lb chicken in my freezer that I scalded, plucked, and eviscerated. Pretty neat.

This weekend: I'm going to Dallas to visit Anthony Schaeffer. He's come to my family Thanksgiving for a few years, and we no longer live 30 hours apart, so it's time for a visit. We'll see how that goes. Some big park is having their grand opening stuff this weekend, and I'm going to a free Polyphonic Spree concert.

In between: This week was our Dig Day! The groundbreaking event for our production garden (as opposed to our demonstration garden). We made lots of food, all the 5th-8th graders and even some high schoolers came out, and we prepped and planted a bed of garlic. Everyone got shirts for helping out, which was very exciting for most of the kids. That was yesterday, and a lot of them wore their shirts to school today. One 7th grade boy said at one point while digging into the virgin hillside that gardening was harder than football practice. I took that as an accomplishment and a compliment. Football kind of rules around the school, so I sometimes feel like I have to compete with it.

Next weekend: We go down to Little Rock for our monthly staff meeting. BUT more importantly, I'm going to the Arkansas craft beer festival. I'm trying to get some of my FC/DGS co-workers to join me. It will be awesome.

The weekend after that, I have an appointment with the low-cost spay/neuter mobile clinic for my stray kitty/ies.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Turkey Trot and Turnip Greens

Clearly, I'm not very disciplined....

This past weekend was the famous Turkey Trot Festival. Check the wikipedia page for Yellville if you're unfamiliar. I bought some root beer, a t-shirt, some CHRISTMAS GIFTS (yes I'm already getting on that train). It was slightly disappointing, because the event had been so super hyped.

I also spent a lot of the weekend driving back and forth between here and Mud Hollow Farm where I was dog sitting/house sitting. It's about twenty miles outside of town, but most of it is an unpaved road, followed by an incredibly steep gravel driveway. It took me nearly 40 minutes just to get from the house to the highway, especially considering the crazy storms we had most mornings. It was a super cute cabin in the hollow, hence the name mud hollow. They heat with wood and haul water. They're building a house up near the road, in which I would be way less likely to feel like I'm about to get axe-murdered in the wilderness by myself. I didn't get any cell reception. Wednesday night to Sunday morning, I tried my best to take care of three old dogs, two baby kitties (more on that later), and all the other munchkins and tasks that I'm responsible for. I think I did an okay job.

As for those kitties. Many of you already know, but a couple of white cats followed me home (with a small amount of help). I have appointments to get them spayed, and they hang out back by the wood shop. I bring them food everyday. I sit with them and pet them. I am not a crazy cat lady.

Yesterday, I downloaded the Seed Savers Exchange catalog, and I've been kind of obsessing about all the awesome stuff I could grow someday. It's getting me really excited about what project I'm going to do after this year. More details on that as they emerge.

I ate something for the first time last week. Turnip greens! Apparently, you can grow seeds that are specifically selected for the greens, where an enlarged root doesn't form. We planted those. So instead of waiting for a big old turnip, we get to harvest and saute greens all fall.

I did write a blog entry last week, for the FoodCorps Arkansas blog. Check it out! I will be writing once a month (way more realistic?) All four of us Arkansan FCSM will rotate weekly updates. That's a quick update on my life. I think that as the day light fades earlier, I might be more motivated to write.

PS If you didn't know, I'll be back in California November 16-23. Get excited.