Thursday, October 25, 2012

weekends, past and future

Last weekend: I helped Katherine (the woman I work with) and her husband, Wesley, slaughter and butcher 52 chickens! I woke up to the realization that it had frosted overnight. Then I made my way out to the middle of nowhere (because that's where everything is here) loaded up with more ice and my weekend coffee. [About two weeks ago, I decided that I was getting a little to attached to my morning coffee. So I cut myself off. I drink tea now. Except on the weekend, because then I actually get to relax and enjoy my coffee. ] It took quite a while for us to get our rhythm. I have a beautiful 6.5 lb chicken in my freezer that I scalded, plucked, and eviscerated. Pretty neat.

This weekend: I'm going to Dallas to visit Anthony Schaeffer. He's come to my family Thanksgiving for a few years, and we no longer live 30 hours apart, so it's time for a visit. We'll see how that goes. Some big park is having their grand opening stuff this weekend, and I'm going to a free Polyphonic Spree concert.

In between: This week was our Dig Day! The groundbreaking event for our production garden (as opposed to our demonstration garden). We made lots of food, all the 5th-8th graders and even some high schoolers came out, and we prepped and planted a bed of garlic. Everyone got shirts for helping out, which was very exciting for most of the kids. That was yesterday, and a lot of them wore their shirts to school today. One 7th grade boy said at one point while digging into the virgin hillside that gardening was harder than football practice. I took that as an accomplishment and a compliment. Football kind of rules around the school, so I sometimes feel like I have to compete with it.

Next weekend: We go down to Little Rock for our monthly staff meeting. BUT more importantly, I'm going to the Arkansas craft beer festival. I'm trying to get some of my FC/DGS co-workers to join me. It will be awesome.

The weekend after that, I have an appointment with the low-cost spay/neuter mobile clinic for my stray kitty/ies.


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